The calendar of opening days until November 1st 2015, the schedule of opening and closing days, timetables and ticket prices.
The flight lines activities during the month of May 2015 are subject to the indications coming from the Scientific Committee of the Regional Park of Gallipoli Cognato Lucanian Dolomites concerning the birds monitoring.
Open on Sunday, open also May 1 and 2
May 1, 2, 3, 10, 17, 24, 31
Open every Saturaday and Sunday, open also May 1 and 2
June 1, 2, 6, 7, 13, 14, 20, 21, 27, 28
Open Saturday 4 and Sunday 5, from July 11 to 31 every day
Closed every Monday
Open August 1 to 31 every day
Open from September 1 to 13 every day
Closed every Monday
After September 13 open only Saturday and Sunday
Open every Sunday
Open only November 1st
Ticket’s price
Time slots
From 9.30 to 18.30
all the opening days
Ticket price
Week days
Single Flight: Euro 35
Couple Flight: Euro 63
Sunday and festivity
and all the dates schedule in May and June
Single Flight: Euro 40
Couple Flight: Euro 72
Single Flight Promotional packages
For groups of 6 persons, 1 flight is free (you pay 5 tickets) only booking with the credit card on this web site
Single flight
User requirements
Minimum age: 16 years
Minimum 35 Kg
Up to 120 Kg
Warnings for couple flights
The maximum total weight of the couple of persons is 150 Kg
The difference in weight between the two must not exceed 40 Kg.
Minimum age for childrens with a parent 12 years
The calendar of plants opening until
October 2014, the schedule of opening and closing days, timetables and ticket prices.
>> Schedules and prices